
PE specialist Tobias Köster becomes partner at Goldman Sachs

12. Novem­ber 2018

Frank­furt a. M. — Gold­man Sachs promo­tes Fran­k­­furt-based Mana­ging Direc­tor Tobias Köster, photo (45) to Part­ner. Koster’s promo­tion to the top manage­ment of the U.S. invest­ment bank is to be comple­ted in early Janu­ary. Along­side Germany head Wolf­gang Fink and Alex­an­der Mayer, Köster thus beco­mes the third Gold­man Sachs part­ner in Frank­furt. With Kösters’ promo­tion, the Ameri­cans are streng­thening a busi­ness area in which Gold­man is outpa­cing the compe­ti­tion this year.

The invest­ment banker brings many years of expe­ri­ence in advi­sing private equity inves­tors. He curr­ently leads Goldman’s busi­ness with PE inves­tors and their port­fo­lio compa­nies in German-spea­king count­ries. — In total, Gold­man Sachs promo­ted five employees in Euro­pean invest­ment banking to the part­ner circle at the turn of the year. The fact that four of the five new Euro­pean part­ners come from the private equity busi­ness reflects the great success Gold­man is curr­ently enjoy­ing in this area of consul­ting. This is parti­cu­larly true for Europe. Gold­man has never done as much busi­ness with finan­cial inves­tors here as it has in the current year, a bank spokes­wo­man explained.

Gold­man Sachs promo­ted 69 employees to part­ners, which is the smal­lest number in the past two deca­des. This means that the total number of part­ners in the Group remains below 500.

After study­ing econo­mics in Frei­burg and Basel, Köster began his career in 1998 as an analyst at the invest­ment bank Credit Suisse First Boston in Frank­furt. Just one year later, he moved to the M&A and corpo­rate finance divi­sion of Gold­man Sachs. Five years later, he moved to New York to join the lever­a­ged finance divi­sion of the US invest­ment bank. In 2006, he retur­ned to Germany, where he contin­ued to work in lever­a­ged finance until 2008. In 2008, he was appoin­ted Mana­ging Director.

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