Photo: Max Kneissl, Partner / Digital Strategy at OMMAX

OMMAX advised Innova Capital on the acquisition of R‑GOL

Photo: Max Kneissl, Part­ner / Digi­tal Stra­tegy at OMMAX
27. June 2023

Munich — OMMAX advi­sed Innova Capi­tal on the acqui­si­tion of R‑GOL, a leading supplier of soccer boots and sport­ing goods based in Ostróda, Poland, active in the CEE market. In recent years, R‑GOL has grown steadily and profi­ta­bly, expan­ding its online presence to eleven countries.

OMMAX supported Innova Capi­tal with compre­hen­sive digi­tal, tech­ni­cal and data due dili­gence. This analy­sis included an in-depth exami­na­tion of R‑GOL’s busi­ness model, digi­tal market dyna­mics, custo­mer metrics, digi­tal capa­bi­li­ties, and tech­no­logy and data capa­bi­li­ties, and included a criti­cal assess­ment of the busi­ness plan and digi­tal value crea­tion initiatives.

Max Kneissl, Part­ner at OMMAX, comm­ents, “R‑GOL has had an impres­sive growth story over the last few years and has shown great perfor­mance across all chan­nels, making it a stand­out player in the specia­li­zed soccer equip­ment space in CEE. We would like to congra­tu­late the manage­ment team of Innova Capi­tal and R‑GOL on the successful partnership.”

About Innova Capital

Our expe­ri­ence can acce­le­rate your success. — Innova Capi­tal belie­ves in longer-term invest­ments to create lasting value through a finely tuned part­ner­ship with busi­ness owners, even when they decide to retire or sell their majo­rity stake. In this way, we create a powerful combi­na­tion of the founder’s know­ledge and expe­ri­ence with Innova’s proven exper­tise in company building.


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