Photo: Founder of airfocus, Malte Scholz, co-founder and CEO of airfocus in the center (Photo © airfocus)

Newion leads € 7.5 million financing round for airfocus

Photo: Foun­der of airfo­cus, Malte Scholz, co-foun­der and CEO of airfo­cus in the center (Photo © airfocus)
12. Janu­ary 2024

Munich — In a round led by Newion, a total of USD 7.5 million was raised, with inves­tors inclu­ding XAnge, Nauta, River­side Acce­le­ra­tion Capi­tal and Picea Capi­tal parti­ci­pa­ting along­side Newion. The successful invest­ment increa­ses airfo­cus’ total funding to USD 15 million and paves the way for global expan­sion in the billion-dollar market for product manage­ment soft­ware. Green­Gate Part­ners advi­sed Newion on this transaction.

airfo­cus has alre­ady made a name for itself as the world’s first modu­lar product manage­ment tool. The soft­ware helps compa­nies over­come key chal­lenges, inclu­ding road­map­ping, prio­ri­tiza­tion, custo­mer analy­ses and alignment with OKRs (Objec­ti­ves and Key Results). With over 800 custo­mers world­wide, airfo­cus is setting new stan­dards in the field of product manage­ment software.

Malte Scholz, co-foun­­der and CEO of airfo­cus (photo, center © airfocus):
“This funding is of crucial importance. We not only deve­lop soft­ware, but also a stan­dar­di­zed product opera­ting system. Our AI-supported plat­form will change the way product mana­gers work. Decis­­ion-making beco­mes more effi­ci­ent and effective.”

About airfo­cus

airfo­cus was foun­ded in Hamburg in 2017 and offers a unique, flexi­ble end-to-end product manage­ment plat­form. With a growing global presence and backed by major VCs, the company is commit­ted to empowe­ring teams to deve­lop better products faster. —

About XAnge

XAnge is a leading Euro­pean venture capi­tal firm certi­fied by Bcorp and based in Paris, Berlin and Munich. With assets under manage­ment of EUR 600 million, the company invests in early-stage Euro­pean inno­va­tive tech­no­logy compa­nies opera­ting in the digi­tal consu­mer, enter­prise and data, fintech and deept­ech sectors. Since its foun­da­tion in 2003, XAnge has supported more than 200 fast-growing compa­nies in their entre­pre­neu­rial deve­lo­p­ment. The team works with visio­nary foun­ders with strong values and inter­na­tio­nal ambi­ti­ons such as Ledger, Odoo, Lydia and Believe Digi­tal.

About Nauta Capital

Nauta is a pan-Euro­­pean venture capi­tal firm that invests in early-stage B2B soft­ware compa­nies and has offices in London and Barce­lona. With over half a billion in assets under manage­ment and a team of 20 employees, Nauta is one of the largest Euro­pean VCs with a B2B focus. As an indus­try agno­stic inves­tor, Nauta is parti­cu­larly inte­res­ted in B2B SaaS solu­ti­ons with strong network effects, verti­­cally-focu­­sed enter­prise tech­no­lo­gies that are trans­forming large indus­tries, and compa­nies that are using deep tech appli­ca­ti­ons to solve the chal­lenges of large enter­pri­ses. Nauta has led invest­ments in more than 80 compa­nies, inclu­ding Brand­watch, Lodgify, Mercaux, Holded, Onna, MishiPay, Land­bot, AppFol­low, ifeel and Cledara. —

About River­side Acce­le­ra­tion Capital

River­side Acce­le­ra­tion Capi­tal (RAC) provi­des flexi­ble growth capi­tal for B2B soft­ware and tech­no­logy compa­nies in the expan­sion phase. RAC is part of The River­side Company, a global private invest­ment firm focu­sed on inves­t­ing in growing compa­nies valued up to $400 million. Since its foun­da­tion in 1988, River­side has made more than 980 invest­ments. The company’s inter­na­tio­nal private equity and struc­tu­red capi­tal port­fo­lios comprise more than 150 compa­nies.

About Picea Capital

Picea Capi­tal is a level-inde­­pen­­dent invest­ment company based in Hamburg that focu­ses prima­rily on digi­tal tech­no­logy companies.

About Newion
Newion is a venture capi­tal company based in Amster­dam with opera­ti­ons in the Bene­lux region, Germany and the Nordics. For more than 20 years, Newion has focu­sed exclu­si­vely on support­ing promi­sing B2B SaaS start-ups. The latest fund, Newion 4, was laun­ched in 2022 and is supported by the Euro­pean Union via the InvestEU Fund.

About Green­Gate Partners

With its corpo­rate team, Green­Gate Part­ners specia­li­zes in parti­cu­lar in the areas of M&A and venture capi­tal. Green­Gate Part­ners’ legal exper­tise in the venture capi­tal sector ranges from the foun­da­tion to the various finan­cing rounds to the exit. Green­Gate Part­ners regu­larly sets stan­dards in the German market and offers compre­hen­sive advi­sory services for dome­stic and foreign venture capi­tal funds, stra­te­gic inves­tors, busi­ness angels as well as foun­ders, start-ups and managers.

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