
Nagel Holding invests in copaltec

2. Octo­ber 2018

Nagel Holding GmbH & Co. KG has inves­ted in the young growth company copal­tec GmbH as part of a corpo­rate invest­ment. A team led by Dr. Rainer Hersch­lein, part­ner at the Stutt­gart office, provi­ded compre­hen­sive legal advice to Nagel Holding. With the invest­ment, Nagel Holding offers copal­tec not only further capi­tal, but also stra­te­gic know-how and market access.

copal­tec GmbH, foun­ded in 2012 and head­quar­te­red in Böblin­gen, Germany, deve­lops and manu­fac­tures poly­u­re­thane-based potting compounds. The products protect sensi­tive elec­tro­nic compon­ents from exter­nal influen­ces. The company’s port­fo­lio includes product lines of trans­pa­rent, insu­la­ting, flame retar­dant and cooling systems.

Nagel Maschi­nen und Werk­zeug­fa­brik GmbH specia­li­zes in the field of honing and super­fi­nis­hing tech­no­logy. The company is based in Nürtin­gen. Custo­mers come from the auto­mo­tive indus­try, compres­sor and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, hydrau­lics and pneu­ma­tics, and medi­cal technology.

Advi­sors to Nagel Holding GmbH & Co. KG: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Dr. Rainer Hersch­lein, LL.M. (lead), Stutt­gart, Dr. Andreas Scha­ben­ber­ger (IP/IT)

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