
MCon Group sells MCon Managed Services division to CONVOTIS

28. August 2023

Munich — MCon Group AG sells the MCon Mana­ged Services divi­sion to CONVOTIS GmbH. The Mana­ged Services busi­ness unit, which includes MCon’s German and Moroc­can subsi­dia­ries, provi­des Infra­s­truc­­ture-as-a-Service services for custo­mers in nume­rous indus­tries, inclu­ding the auto­mo­tive indus­try. An M&A team led by Heuking Part­ner Dr. Mathias Schrö­der provi­ded compre­hen­sive advice to MCon Group AG on the sale of the MCon Mana­ged Services divi­sion to the CONVOTIS Group.

The MCon Group was foun­ded in 2010 in St. Gallen. MCon Group AG’s opera­ti­ons are based on three busi­ness pillars: digi­tal, data-driven solu­ti­ons to add value to sales and after-sales busi­nesses, profes­sio­nal services to design and imple­ment digi­tal solu­ti­ons, and IT infra­struc­ture and hosting, backed by 24/7 support. The company has also been active in Asia for more than ten years, parti­cu­larly with a strong presence in China.

The CONVOTIS Group is a leading provi­der of inno­va­tive and high-quality busi­ness solu­ti­ons and mana­ged IT services in the DACH region. With its three busi­ness units Busi­ness Solu­ti­ons, Digi­tal Plat­form Solu­ti­ons and Mana­ged IT Services, CONVOTIS sees itself as a stra­te­gic IT part­ner for its custo­mers in incre­asing growth and effi­ci­ency through digitization.

Legal Coun­sel MCon Group AG: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek

Dr. Mathias Schrö­der, LL.M., Fabian Becker, LL.M., Peter M. Schäff­ler (all Corpo­rate Law, M&A), Munich

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