Venture Capital Club e.V.
Phone: +49–89-30 90 55 600 | Contact: Dr Mauritz von Einem · mauritz.voneinem@arqis.com
The Venture Capital Club e.V. Munich was established in 1983. The aim of the association is to promote communication between all those interested in venture capital and thus to facilitate the financing of companies with venture capital. The association has increasingly focused on the content issues related to various technology clusters, and the idea of the numerously funds in Munich. The VC-Club itself does not engage in any activities on either the capital procurement or the investor side.
The members and their interesed visitors regularly gather at meetings, called “Stammtisch“, for professional exchange and networking. Renowned speakers hold lectures on topics from the field of venture capital, mainly with a practical background. Start-ups from IT, AI, biotechnology, internet and high-tech sector present their companies. The Munich VC regular tables thus unite above all innovative founders and start-ups with numerous experienced Business Angels, well-known representatives of the private equity/venture capital industry and their closely related intermediaries. Anyone who is interested in supporting the purpose of the association and in achieving its goals can become a member of the association. For further information please visit www.vc-munich.de.