Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship gGmbH
Phone: +49–89-1265 3211 | Contact: Prof Dr Klaus Sailer · Klaus.Sailer@sce.de
We see ourselves as a thought leader, facilitator and well-connected partner for shaping an entrepreneurial future worth living in through responsible entrepreneurship. We stand for an economy that actively, innovatively and responsibly addresses technological, social and environmental challenges. Entrepreneurship, innovation and co-creation are the keys to the change. That is why we, as the Entrepreneurship Center at HM – Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, offer educational and research programs in the field of entrepreneurship together with our regional and international partners. Therefore we support start-ups from the idea to the market, as well as innovation processes and the development of entrepreneurial personalities.
SCE start-up support encourages and supports people to develop their unique ideas into fully-fledged businesses. With that goal, the Center guides its start-ups with a number of tools and formats. Exciting events and competitions for people interested in founding a company as well as intensive support in our pre- and accelerator programs on the way to product launch, funding and matching with strong corporate partners await you. Take a look at the world of start-ups and get inspiration and motivation for developing your ideas as well as crucial insights for building your own start-up. SCE offers bootcamps, education- and accelerator programs for founders. Experienced consultants provide competent feedback along with work space at our incubator and access to external experts for addressing special issues. Support is available for business ideas of all types and in all sectors: products, services, high-tech or low-tech, software or hardware, commercial or social. The Center also helps yo