Private Equity Forum NRW e.V.
Phone: +49 211–86808928 | Contact: info@private-equity-forum.de
The Private Equity Forum NRW sees itself as a platform and catalyst for venture capital and private equity in North Rhine-Westphalia. In its function as an interdisciplinary network, the PEF brings transparency to the regional financing scene by bringing together supply and demand, thereby making it easier for its members to generate business. The members of the association are among the active opinion leaders in the venture capital and private equity industry. These include investment companies, banks, large law firms and specialised consultants. In keeping with the claim of a certain “club character”, the association has (only) around 45 members. This enables truly intensive bilateral dialogue and genuine networking. This close circle is in turn networked with well over 5,000 addresses in NRW and thus ensures the appropriate dissemination of knowledge, support and contacts.
The Private Equity Forum NRW is a registered association, i.e. services for members only. However, non-members can purchase tickets to our respective events and also network there.