GründerRegio M e.V.
Phone: +49 89 32 19 78 10 | Contact: Dr. Bettina Wenzel · info@gr‑m.de
GründerRegio M is an initiative of the science and business region of Munich fostering knowledge-based spin-offs and start-up companies linked to institutions of higher education. Since 1998, GründerRegio M has focused its activities on guiding potential young entrepreneurs from academia towards a successful business career. Currently, it has 35 member institutions, all supporting through their services entrepreneurs and start-up companies in the Munich region.
The objectives of GründerRegio M are: (1) Establishing a sustainable culture of entrepreneurship in the Munich region. (2) Promoting an infrastructure that reduces costs and time involved in setting up a business or a company. (3) Increasing the number of university start-ups and the number of female entrepreneurs. www.gr‑m.de
GründerRegio M operates through various projects and initiatives in the Munich region. Since 2005 GründerRegio M has been running the project „guide – consulting and support for female entrepreneurs“. The project guide, which is financed by the MBQ funds of the city of Munich, offers training, coaching, consultancy, networking events and other support like a competition for women entrepreneurs in Munich and the Munich area. www.guide-muenchen.de GründerRegio M is partner of the EXIST programme and co-operation partner of the project HOCHSPRUNG.