BayStartUp GmbH
Phone: +49–89‑3 88 38 38–0 | Contact: Dr Carsten Rudolph · info@baystartup.de
BayStartUP is one of the most important contact points for start-ups looking for venture capital and supports innovative start-ups from early business planning stages to building up their company and navigating their first financing rounds. Coachings, workshops, the Bavarian Business Plan competitions and networking events for founders, business angels and industry representatives create the framework for BayStartUP’s activities. Through start-up-industry matchings, BayStartUP also brings together established companies and founders. BayStartUP is also partner of the “Gründerland Bayern” initiative of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs.
BayStartUP prepares founders for investor negotiations, including preparing documentation, presentations and pitch decks. A broad workshop program helps start-ups to optimize their business strategy and evolve to the point of investment readiness. The BayStartUP business plan competitions cover the entire region of Bavaria. They are designed to provide early and substantial feedback to all participants from a jury network of more than 300 entrepreneurs, business managers and investors. For private and institutional investors, BayStartUP ensures a qualified deal flow and offers start-up insights at exclusive business angel meetings and investor conferences. Through BayStartUP, founders have contact opportunities to over 400 active business angels and more than 200 institutional investors. Since 2015, BayStartUP has mediated € 546 m in capital in 513 actively managed financing rounds in the pre-seed, seed or Series A phases. BayStartUP success stories include Flixbus, eGym, Magazino, E