Maturus Finance GmbH
Phone: +49 40 300 39 36 — 250 | Contact: Carl-Jan von der Goltz · goltz@maturus.com
Form of financing
Funding Opportunity
Industry sectors
Medium-sized manufacturing business, trading companies, e‑commerce, start-up
Maturus Finance GmbH is a bank-independent finance company and has been offering innovative ways of corporate finance since 2005. The financial service provider is the contact for medium-sized production companies and retailers who are looking for alternatives to existing bank connections within the framework of their current financing structure and who want to expand their entrepreneurial scope. Maturus Finance GmbH has its headquarters in Hamburg, Germany, and has also been represented in Austria since 2015.
(1) Inflow of liquidity, independent of banks and credit standing, (2) Alternative financing partner for more economic independence, (3) Purely internal financing on your own strength, (4) Quick implementation of the fi-nancing (6 – 8 weeks), (5) Raising of hidden reserves upon the sale of mostly depreciated machines or systems, (6) Financing free of covenants and the establishment of the usual bank securities, (7) Balance-sheet shortening and strengthening of the equity ratio, (8) Further use of the machines, systems or vehicles without delay, (9) Credit protection by circulating and fixed assets.