Nexia GmbH
Phone: +49–211-60055417 | Contact: christoph.thomas@nexia.de · marcus.juengling@nexia.de
Nexia GmbH is one of the leading medium-sized auditing and tax consulting firms in Germany. With more than 450 employees, including over 120 professionals, we are represented at 11 offices. We are part of the international Nexia network, which is one of the leading networks of independent auditing and consulting firms with more than 230 member companies in over 120 countries.
In addition to auditing and tax consulting we provide buy-side transaction support services covering the entire transaction process, in particular financial & tax due diligence, tax structuring, SPA clauses (tax, financial), audit of closing accounts and post acquisition advice as for example purchase price allocation for IFRS/HGB accounting. On the sell-side, we assist owners of a business in particular via detailed financial and tax analysis (e.g. Financial/Tax Fact Books, Vendor Due Diligences) and an indicative company valuation in order to be prepared for a structured sales process. Furthermore, our services comprise valuation of intangible assets (e.g. patents/technologies, brands) as well as business valuations for corporate restructuring purposes (e.g. squeeze-outs, changes of shareholders in owner-run companies) and for tax-driven reorganisations.