BLL Braun Leberfinger Ludwig Unger Steuerberater Rechtsanwälte Wirtschaftsprüfer
Phone: +49 89 411124–220 | Contact: christoph.ludwig@bllmuc.de · thomas.unger@bllmuc.de
BLL Braun Leberfinger Ludwig Unger is specialized in the current support of national and international private equity and venture capital funds. In addition, we advise individuals with an entrepreneurial background, e.g. private equity managers, and provide advice at shareholder and company level. BLL also offers comprehensive legal services in the fields of business and corporate law, including M&A, succession and family law, real estate, foundations.
(1) Private equity and Venture capital funds: Commercial quarterly and annual financial statements including capital accounts, tax analysis of investments, annual tax returns, administrative support of national and international initiators, prepurchase valuation according to the German Capital Investment Act (KAGB = German transformation of AIFMD); (2) Family office: Comprehensive tax consultation of (private) clients with entrepreneurial background, coordination of external advisers; (3) Tax consultation at entrepreneur and enterprise levels: Personal support in tax subject areas, support during external tax audit; (4) Legal services: Comprehensive consultation in the fields of business and corporate law including M&A, succession, family law, real estate, foundations.