bmh Beteiligungs-Managementgesellschaft Hessen mbH
Phone: +49 611 94 91 76–0 | Contact: Dr Steffen Huth · info@bmh-hessen.de
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For over 20 years, we have been investing public and private capital in young and established companies in Hesse. We participate in growth and innovation financing and support investments in research and development as well as company acquisitions and successions – flexibly with up to 10 million euros. We are a 100 percent subsidiary of Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Girozentrale (Helaba) and manage six investment funds with a volume (AuM) of more than 200 million euros. Since our foundation, we have invested in a total of more than 500 companies. More information: www.bmh-hessen.de.
We at bmh do not work alone. We support you with a broad network of partners – including banks and investors, ministries and associations, funds and agencies.