Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Thüringen mbH
Phone: +49 361 2135–0 | Contact: Stefan Schneider · Michael Burchardt | team@mbg-thueringen.de
Industry sectors
Almost all sectors
We offer hidden equity for the establishment or consolidation of companies with amounts of up to € 1.5 million. With our program we support equity and the financial scope of firms. Our long-term involvement facilitates steady and sustained growth. This helps the entrepreneur to tie qualified employees and managers to the firm. Direct equity of up to € 300,000, hidden equity of up to € 1.5 million, micro-mezzanine capital from € 10,000 to € 50,000.
MBG participates, the entrepreneur retains his independence. If needed, the MBG team offers advice. Assistance and solutions for business questions. No interference in the management of the firm, business support possible.