zwirnplus GmbH
Phone: +49 89 306 394 60 | Contact: Philipp Zwirn · philipp.zwirn@zwirnplus.com | www.zwirnplus.com
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zwirnplus specializes in family-owned businesses, supporting entrepreneurs in acquiring and selling business units. For over 50 years, our work has been defined by competence and experience. Our approach is driven by entrepreneurial thinking and proactive
With offices in Munich and Vienna, zwirnplus is the ideal partner for corporate transactions in the D‑A‑CH region. We understand that generational succession is a critical process for family businesses, which is why our comprehensive services address all angles of the M&A process, from strategic planning to implementation through to signing. A well-structured plan with an experienced team allows us to maximize potential. Additionally, continuous exchange with national and international network partners offers extensive added value for our customers. An efficient approach and cost-saving project implementation characterizes zwirnplus, along with the preservation of absolute discretion.
Providing the highest quality customer service is central to everything we do at zwirnplus. Optimally supported by standardized and digital processes. We assist our customers with projects such as corporate investment management, acting as external CFOs or sparring partners, company sales and transfers, company searches, company valuations, acquisitions, and due diligence in a transparent transaction process.