Stabwechsel GmbH
Phone: +49 69 — 36 60 36 61 | Contact: Gerald Link · gl@stabwechsel.de
Consultation type
Matching companies for sale with potential buyers (e.g. MBI, family offices)
Stabwechsel is the only one in the German-speaking region to offer a matching platform for company sellers and their M&A advisors that is independent and on which company buyers, usually MBI candidates, are presented and not the companies for sale.
The selection is initially anonymous, non-binding and free of charge. Only when contact is requested with the candidate does the seller or advisor reveal his identity to Stabwechsel. Costs are only incurred when a transaction is concluded. Since 2011, Stabwechsel GmbH has established itself as a reliable pioneer in company succession. The network focuses on non-family business succession in German-speaking SMEs.
The team of consultants, Stabwechsel accredited coaches, all of whom are succession specialists with an affinity for medium-sized businesses, guarantees confidential and professional contact initiation between company sellers or their advisors and prospective buyers. In addition to highly qualified MBI can-didates, the network also provides access to capital providers for SMEs.
Via the website www.stabwechsel.de potential buyers are selected and presented to sellers and M&A advisors in a matter of seconds based on specific criteria. Anonymised buyer profiles can also be viewed immediately without registration. Successors and company buyers can thus introduce themselves to the companies for sale as part of their deal sourcing activities.