Ascenion GmbH
Phone: +49–89-31 88 14–0 | Contact: Stanislava Zollner · zollner@ascenion.de
Consultation type
Intellectual Property Asset Management
Ascenion discovers, secures and markets commercially attractive research results in the life-sciences.
As partner of leading public research organizations, universities and university hospitals in Germany and Europe, Ascenion offers access to over 850 licensable patent families and research materials in this area.
Ascenion advises public life-science research institutions in all aspects of intellectual property asset management. With Ascenion’s support, commercially attractive inventions, materials and know-how are promptly identified and given appropriate patent protection. We find suitable industrial partners, support negotiations for licensing and cooperation agreements, and accompany start-ups on the road to independence. In 2022 Ascenion initiated the CARMA FUND which invests in early-stage projects and start-ups in the life-science and healthcare sector.