ABG Marketing GmbH
Phone: +49 351 437 55 — 26 | Contact: Ilka Stiegler · stiegler@abg-partner.de
Consultation type
Communication Agency
ABG Marketing offers the classic agency portfolio. We analyze, advise and design in all communication matters: from the creation of a brand or brand renewal to strategic communication concepts, print media or websites. We devote ourselves to the topics of the executives as well as those of the employees. After all, communication is not only directed towards the outside, but also to the inside.
We support in all entrepreneurial phases: foundation, growth, succession and reorganization. Full service goes even further for us, we take the complete care of our customers literally. We expand our expertise in business analysis, communications consulting, strategy and public relations by the strength of the advisory group ABG-Partner, which in addition to the communication consultants also brings together legal and tax experts, management consultants and auditors. In this way, we can truly support entrepreneurs in a holistic way.
(1) Strategic communication concepts, (2) brand and communication consulting, (3) development of a new corporate design or the revision of an existing one, (4) creation or revision of internet presences, (5) strategic PR, (6) customer- or trade publications, (7) corporate and product brochures, leaflets, (8) reference and case studies, (9) social media strategy and implementation, (10) video conception and implementation, (11) employer branding, (12) crisis communication, (13) change communication.