FYB Company Profile

Invest in Bavaria

Rosen­hei­mer Straße 143 c, 81671 München
Phone: +49 89 24210–7500 | Cont­act:


The one-stop all-around service of Invest in Bava­ria is the busi­ness promo­tion agency of the State of Bava­ria. Since 1999, it has been helping compa­nies from Germany and abroad to build up or extend a base in Bava­ria. Invest in Bava­ria puts toge­ther custo­mi­zed infor­ma­tion, helps to find the ideal loca­tion in Bava­ria and arran­ges the cont­acts needed for imple­men­ting projects: with govern­ment agen­cies and asso­cia­ti­ons as well as with important local networks. The services offe­red by Invest in Bava­ria are free of charge, and all inqui­ries are, of course, trea­ted confidentially.


Plan­ning and Prepa­ra­tion: Invest in Bava­ria provi­des compa­nies inte­res­ted in Bava­ria with compa­ra­ble and relia­ble facts and figu­res about the market and busi­ness envi­ron­ment, indus­try and tech­no­logy networks or funding and finan­cing instru­ments. Choice of Loca­tion: Project-rela­ted loca­tion crite­ria are jointly deve­lo­ped to meet the wishes and needs of the inves­tor. Invest in Bava­ria uses this requi­re­ment profile to draw up concrete propo­sals of poten­tial sites, to iden­tify suita­ble commer­cial proper­ties and indus­trial real estate and to orga­nize on-the-spot site inspec­tions. Imple­men­ta­tion: Invest in Bava­ria inves­ti­ga­tes funding opti­ons, orga­ni­zes cont­acts with appro­priate funding insti­tu­ti­ons and – if requi­red – with possi­ble finan­cing part­ners. Invest in Bava­ria also offers its assis­tance with tax, legal and admi­nis­tra­tion issues, ensu­ring smooth coor­di­na­tion with the rele­vant autho­ri­ties for a parti­cu­lar project, the regio­nal busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment orga­niza­ti­ons or specia­li­zed service provi­ders. Site Deve­lo­p­ment and Expan­ding: Infor­ma­tion on the promo­tion of busi­ness in Bava­ria, like the trade fair parti­ci­pa­tion program, useful corpo­rate data­ba­ses, indus­try networks and arran­ging cont­acts with foreign commu­ni­ties are typi­cal examp­les of the wide range of services offe­red by Invest in Bavaria.


Gudrun Weidmann

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