Photo: Stefan Münch, Partner at Bird & Bird

KORIAN acquires Lebenswert intensive care service

Cate­gory: Deals
Photo: Stefan Münch, Part­ner at Bird & Bird
19. April 2021

Munich — KORIAN Deutsch­land AG has acqui­red the ‘Inten­siv­pfle­ge­dienst Lebens­wert’ (IPDL). Bird & Bird LLP advi­sed KRIAN on this transaction.

For KORIAN, one of Europe’s leading provi­ders of care and nursing services for seni­ors, the inte­gra­tion of IPDL into its network was another important step in diver­si­fy­ing its offe­ring in care and nursing services for seni­ors and those in need of care. KORIAN also offers long-term care faci­li­ties, specialty clinics, assis­ted living, and home care and services, among other services. In addi­tion to Germany and France, the KORIAN Group is also active in Belgium, Italy, the Nether­lands and Spain.

IPDL’s services include inten­sive and respi­ra­tory care at home or in special resi­den­tial commu­ni­ties, as well as an outpa­ti­ent service for senior care at home. In addi­tion, the company’s own “Lebens­wert Academy” offers exten­sive advan­ced and further trai­ning in the field of inten­sive and respi­ra­tory care.

IPDL was foun­ded in 2009 by the married couple Martina and Rudolf Wied­mann and employs around 280 people. The care service is active in parts of Baden-Würt­­te­m­­berg and Bava­ria. Rudolf Wied­mann remains with the company as Mana­ging Direc­tor. His wife as well as the whole manage­ment team are still active in the manage­ment and support KORIAN Germany with their know-how.

Advi­sor to KORIAN Deutsch­land AG: Bird & Bird, Munich
Lead Part­ner Stefan Münch, Coun­sel Michael Gaßner, Asso­ciate Marcel Nurk (all Corporate/M&A, Munich) and Asso­ciate Jan Medele (Corporate/M&A, Düssel­dorf), Part­ner Dr. Alex­an­der Duis­berg and Asso­ciate Goek­han Kosak (both Commer­cial, Munich), Part­ner Thomas Hey and Asso­ciate Alisa Nent­wig (both Labor Law, Düssel­dorf), Part­ner Dr. Stephan Wald­heim and Asso­ciate Marcio da Silva Lima (both Anti­trust, Düssel­dorf), Part­ner Dr. Markus Körner (Trade­mark, Munich).

Bird & Bird alre­ady advi­sed KORIAN Deutsch­land AG last year on the acqui­si­tion of the care divi­sion of Quali­vita AG.

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