
Investcorp Technology Partners acquires majority stake in AVIRA

16. April 2020

Tett­nang — Euro­pean tech­no­logy inves­tor Invest­corp Tech­no­logy Part­ners has acqui­red a majo­rity stake in Avira Holding GmbH & Co KG and ALV GmbH & Co KG (“Avira”) for US $180 million. P+P Pöllath + Part­ners advi­sed the sellers and the Avira manage­ment in the course of the transaction.

Avira is a multi­na­tio­nal company for soft­ware solu­ti­ons in the field of cyber secu­rity and anti-virus programs with head­quar­ters in Tett­nang, Baden-Würt­­te­m­­berg. Avira serves both the OEM (origi­nal equip­ment manu­fac­tu­rer) and consu­mer end markets and protects over 500 million end devices world­wide. Foun­ded in 1986, the company focu­ses on anti-malware, threat intel­li­gence and IoT solu­ti­ons. Avira soft­ware protects against viru­ses and malware and provi­des users with secu­rity for online iden­tity as well as for finan­ces and other private data.

The buyer, Invest­corp Tech­no­logy Part­ners, focu­ses on inves­t­ing in mid-market tech­no­logy compa­nies with a focus on data, analy­tics, IT secu­rity and fintech/payments. The Avira acqui­si­tion is the seventh deal from the $400 million fourth tech­no­logy fund and the third acqui­si­tion of a soft­ware company in the DACH region in 18 months, noted Gilbert Kami­e­niecky (pictu­red), mana­ging direc­tor and head of Investcorp’s tech­no­logy private equity divi­sion.

Advi­sors to AVIRA: P+P provi­ded legal and tax advice with the follo­wing Munich team
Otto Haber­stock, M.C.J. (Part­ner, Lead, M&A/Private Equity), Gerald Herr­mann (Coun­sel, Tax), Laura Grei­mel (Senior Asso­ciate, M&A/Private Equity), Annika Jung­in­ger (née Anders, Asso­ciate, M&A/Private Equity).

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