
IK Investment Partners closes its 9th Mid Cap Fund at €2.85 billion.

15. June 2020

London — IK Invest­ment Part­ners (“IK” or “the Firm”), a leading Pan-Euro­­pean private equity firm, is plea­sed to announce that it has closed its ninth Mid Cap fund, the IK IX Fund (“the Fund”), having reached its hard cap of €2.85 billion. IK’s previous Mid Cap fund, IK VIII, raised €1.85 billion in 2016.

The fund­raise attrac­ted signi­fi­cant inte­rest from a high-quality insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tor base across Europe (60%), North America (30%), Asia (7%) and South America (3%), with over a third of the money raised coming from new limi­ted part­ners inves­t­ing in IK funds for the first time.

Reflec­ting the opera­tio­nal strength of the Firm and its local market foot­print with seven offices across Europe, the Fund will conti­nue to invest across its core markets of the Nordics, the DACH region, France and the Bene­lux. The successful stra­tegy of support­ing growing and resi­li­ent Mid Cap busi­nesses in the Busi­ness Services, Consu­mer / Food, Engi­nee­red Products and Health­care sectors remains in place.

Chris­to­pher Masek, IK CEO (photo)said: “We are grateful for the confi­dence of our inves­tors in our active approach to trans­forming Euro­pean mid-market compa­nies through inter­na­tio­nal reach and shar­pe­ned opera­tio­nal capa­ci­ties. We are confi­dent that the IK IX Fund is well posi­tio­ned to leverage the strengths and expe­ri­ence acqui­red over 30 years in this new envi­ron­ment of change and opportunity.”

Mads Ryum Larsen, Head of IR and a Mana­ging Part­ner, said:
“We are deligh­ted to welcome both new and exis­ting inves­tors to IK IX, our largest ever fund. With our expan­ded team and on-the-ground exper­tise in all the markets we operate, we have never been better placed to seek out oppor­tu­ni­ties and support attrac­tive busi­nesses across Europe.”

Kirk­land & Ellis LLP acted as the legal coun­sel to the Fund.

This press release is not an offer of secu­ri­ties for sale in the United States or any other juris­dic­tion and inte­rests in the Fund may not be offe­red or sold in the United States or any other juris­dic­tions save in accordance with appli­ca­ble law.

About IK Invest­ment Partners
IK Invest­ment Part­ners (“IK”) is a Pan-Euro­­pean private equity firm focu­sed on invest­ments in the Nordics, DACH region, France, Bene­lux, and the UK. Since 1989, IK has nearly €13 billion of capi­tal and inves­ted in over 130 Euro­pean compa­nies. Across its stra­te­gies, IK funds support compa­nies with strong under­ly­ing poten­tial, part­ne­ring with manage­ment teams and inves­tors to create robust, well-posi­­tio­­ned busi­nesses with excel­lent long-term pros­pects. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

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