Photo: Johannes von Borries, Managing Partner at UVC

GreenGate Partners advises UVC on €4.5 million seed round for Predium

Photo: Johan­nes von Borries, Mana­ging Part­ner at UVC
9. Octo­ber 2023

Munich — Predium is a leading provi­der of ESG manage­ment solu­ti­ons for the real estate and finan­cial sectors, specia­li­zing in the decar­bo­niza­tion of buil­dings, and has now closed a seed finan­cing round of Euro 4.5 million. The round was led by UVC Part­ners, supported by exis­ting inves­tors such as b2venture as well as other inves­tors inclu­ding Mutsch­ler Ventures and well-known busi­ness angels such as Joachim Drees (Drees & Sommer, MAN), Alex­an­der Schwö­rer (PERI), Heike Günd­ling (Bilfin­ger, 21st Real Estate) and Maxi­mi­lian Viess­mann (Viess­mann Group). The foun­ders of Presize, who recently sold their startup to Meta (Face­book), also parti­ci­pa­ted in the funding round.

Predium offers a plat­form that enables property owners to iden­tify ESG risks and plan reno­va­tions in a cost-effec­­tive manner. The plat­form supports trans­pa­rent commu­ni­ca­tion of progress through auto­ma­ted report­ing and helps with key decis­i­ons such as buying, reno­vat­ing or selling.

The funds provi­ded will be used for Predium’s further market deve­lo­p­ment and tech­no­lo­gi­cal expan­sion, with the goal of beco­ming the leading ESG manage­ment plat­form for decar­bo­ni­zing buil­dings in Europe.

About UVC Partners

UVC Part­ners is a leading venture capi­tal firm based in Munich and Berlin inves­t­ing in Euro­pean B2B tech start-ups from pre-seed to Series A stage. With appro­xi­m­ately 400 million euros in assets under manage­ment, UVC Part­ners typi­cally invests between 500,000 and 10 million euros initi­ally and up to 30 million euros per company. The port­fo­lio includes indus­try leaders in deep tech, climate tech, hard­ware and soft­ware, and mobi­lity with various tech­no­lo­gies and busi­ness models.

About Green­Gate Partners

Green­Gate Part­ners is a tech­no­logy law firm with parti­cu­lar exper­tise around tran­sac­tions and venture capi­tal. From our offices in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, expe­ri­en­ced lawy­ers offer their clients first-class advice at eye level. Green­Gate Part­ners repea­tedly provi­des bench­marks in the German market.

Advi­sor to UVC Part­ners: Green­Gate Part­ners Rechts­an­walts­ge­sell­schaft mbH 

Dr. Tobias Schön­haar, LL.M. (Bond) (Partner/Corporate) Marc René Spitz, LL.M. (USC) (Partner/Corporate)
Dr. Leonie Singer, LL.M. (Sydney) (Associate/Corporate) Constan­tin Forst­ner (Associate/Corporate)
Alex­an­der Tribess (Partner/IT & Data Protection)
Paul Harl­off (Associate/IT & Data Protection)
Dr. Jens Ginal (Partner/Employment Law)

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