
Exit for DPE: Rivean Capital acquires Green Mobility Holding

Photo: Volker Hichert, Foun­der and Chair­man of the Super­vi­sory Board at DPE (Photo © DPE)
2. June 2023

Munich/Frankfurt — Euro­pean private equity firm Rivean Capi­tal acqui­res a majo­rity stake in Green Mobi­lity Holding (GMH), one of Europe’s leading tech­­no­­logy-based (e-)bike leasing provi­ders. The previous majo­rity owner DPE Deut­sche Private Equity remains inves­ted with a mino­rity share. Further shares are held by the foun­ders and manage­ment of the two subsi­dia­ries Company Bike and

“We will support Green Mobi­lity Holding with capi­tal and stra­te­gic know-how to further grow and expand its busi­ness in Germany and Europe,” said Matthias Wilcken, senior part­ner at Rivean Capi­tal. Further acqui­si­ti­ons are conceiva­ble in the coming years. “Our invest­ment philo­so­phy is based on value enhance­ment through digi­tiza­tion, inter­na­tio­na­liza­tion and a focus on sustaina­bi­lity. These aspects, which are signi­fi­cant for our invest­ment decis­ion, will also signi­fi­cantly influence GMH’s further deve­lo­p­ment. That makes us ideal partners.”

“Bicy­cles and e‑bikes have become an alter­na­tive to cars or mass tran­sit over the past decade. Through our cost-effec­­tive and easily acces­si­ble leasing offers, we support the chan­ging mobi­lity and promote an envi­ron­men­tally friendly and healthy life­style,” said Maxi­mi­lian Acht, CEO of Green Mobi­lity Holding. “With Rivean Capi­tal, we have found the right part­ner to further improve our holi­stic concept and expand our market share in Germany and neigh­bor­ing Euro­pean countries.”

Volker Hichert (Photo © DPE), Foun­der and Chair­man of the Super­vi­sory Board at DPE, says: “Despite our clear focus on growth compa­nies, it is also rare at DPE that the manage­ment team, in coope­ra­tion with its foun­ders and capi­tal provi­ders, succeeds in multi­ply­ing sales within two years. This is an extra­or­di­nary achie­ve­ment to which it has been a great plea­sure to contri­bute. With Rivean Capi­tal on board, we are confi­dent that we will be equally successful in the next phase of strong growth.”

With its digi­tal plat­forms, GMH connects compa­nies with bicy­cle dealers, manu­fac­tu­r­ers and leasing provi­ders to enable sustainable mobi­lity for their employees. To this end, the subsi­dia­ries Company Bike and conclude frame­work agree­ments with corpo­rate custo­mers, who provide their employees with the desi­red bicy­cles as lessees. The monthly leasing install­ments are with­held from the gross salary as part of defer­red compen­sa­tion and trans­fer­red directly to leasing banks contrac­tually affi­lia­ted with GMH. Employees bene­fit from tax advan­ta­ges and services such as main­ten­ance and insu­rance. With (e-)bike leasing offers, compa­nies can increase employee satis­fac­tion, contri­bute to their well-being and health, make commu­ting to work more attrac­tive, and help reduce the ecolo­gi­cal footprint.

GMH’s corpo­rate custo­mers include Daim­ler Truck, Euro­gate, Funke Medi­en­gruppe, Johan­ni­ter and nume­rous medium-sized companies.

GMH is head­quar­te­red in Munich and employs more than 200 people throug­hout Germany. Last year, the company gene­ra­ted sales of around 140 million euros. As in previous years, a signi­fi­cant increase in sales is plan­ned for this year.

The company is the only provi­der to offer direct access to the manu­fac­tu­r­ers of bicy­cles and (e-)bikes, as well as its own deli­very and service network with more than 60 employees.

GMH( is curr­ently Rivean Capital’s fourth plat­form invest­ment in Germany, along­side Best4Tires, ]init[ AG für digi­tale Kommu­ni­ka­tion and TonerPartner.

About Rivean Capital

Rivean Capi­tal is a leading Euro­pean private equity inves­tor for mid-market tran­sac­tions with acti­vi­ties in the DACH region, Bene­lux and Italy. Funds advi­sed by Rivean Capi­tal manage funds in excess of EUR 3 billion. Rivean Capi­tal has offices in Frank­furt, Zurich, Amster­dam, Brussels and Milan. Since its foun­ding in 1982, Rivean Capi­tal has helped more than 250 compa­nies achieve their growth objectives.

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