Deutsche Beteiligungs AG intends to grow further
Frankfurt am Main — Deutsche Beteiligungs AG (DBAG) intends to continue growing: The net asset value of private equity investments is expected to increase by an average of between 14 percent and 19 percent in the current and the two following financial years, while earnings from fund advisory services are expected to reach a double-digit million euro amount in each case. This is according to the listed private equity company’s medium-term planning published today with the Group’s 2019/2020 annual financial report.
The basis for this growth is significantly higher investments by DBAG alongside the funds it advises, as well as investments financed exclusively from DBAG’s balance sheet: While an average of around 72 million euros has flowed into investments in mid-market companies over the past five years, around 120 million euros are planned annually until 2023. “If nothing else, the Covid 19 pandemic is opening up investment opportunities that we intend to target,” said DBAG CEO Torsten Grede, adding, “We have expanded our platform for equity solutions in the midmarket and invested in our investment team.”
Net asset value of private equity investments impacted by pandemic in 2019/2020
According to the planning, DBAG’s growth will accelerate: Between 2014 and 2019, the net asset value of private equity investments had increased by around 13 percent annually. It is expected to grow by up to 19 percent per year until 2023. The growth would also more than offset the setback experienced in net asset value due to the impact of the pandemic on portfolio companies in fiscal year 2019/2020 (Oct. 1‑Sept. 30). At 422.0 million euros, adjusted for the effect of the distribution to shareholders, it fell 5.8 percent short of the previous year’s figure, but reached the upper end of the forecast revised after the Corona shock in the spring. In particular, shareholdings with a strong link to industry suffered in some cases heavy losses in revenues and earnings and did not achieve their original budgets; this resulted in corresponding impairments of these shareholdings. Once again, investments in broadband telecommunications or software companies, which are benefiting from the accelerated digitization in many areas of life and business models, developed encouragingly.
Due to the special nature of its private equity business, DBAG does not manage its business using traditional annual performance indicators such as EBIT or return on sales. Instead, the key performance indicators are the variables that DBAG can influence and that determine the value of the two business areas of private equity investments and fund advisory services — the net asset value of private equity investments and the result of fund advisory services. Accordingly, consolidated net profit is not a key performance indicator; it amounts to ‑16.8 million euros, driven by the
Performance of private equity investments. This segment closed 2019/2020 with earnings before taxes of ‑25.2 million euros, down 67.3 million euros on the previous fiscal year.
Key figures (IFRS) 2019/2020 2018/2019
Segment result Private Equity Investments -€25.2 million €42.1 million
Segment result Fund Consulting €9.5 million €3.0 million
Net asset value € 422.0 million € 472.1 million
Net result -€16.8 million €45.9 million
Dividend (2019/2020: proposed) €0.80 €1.50
Fund consultancy benefits from the launch of the new DBAG fund
Earnings in the second segment, fund advisory services, exceeded expectations: at 9.5 million euros, they reached their highest level since the introduction of segment reporting in 2013/2014. The basis for the significant increase compared with the previous year (€3.0 million) is higher income from the fund business and lower provisions for variable compensation — this primarily reflects the performance of the portfolio. Income was significantly higher (€30.6 million after €28.2 million) because DBAG has also been receiving income for advising DBAG Fund VIII since its launch in August 2020.
The fund had been closed in May with a volume of 1.109 billion euros. As a result, the assets advised and managed by DBAG, which form the basis for measuring income from the fund business, rose to around €2.6 billion (September 30, 2019: €1.7 billion).
Dividend proposal: 0.80 euros per share
The dividend proposal for the past financial year — 0.80 euros per share — does not imply any change in DBAG’s dividend policy. “It primarily takes into account the expected later returns from the portfolio as a result of longer holding periods for our industrial holdings,” said CFO Susanne Zeidler, explaining the proposal. He added: “We expect that as the economic environment normalizes after the pandemic subsides, we will be able to return to our policy of stable and, whenever possible, rising dividends next year with a dividend of between 1.00 and 1.20 euros per share.” The dividend proposal corresponds to a yield of 2.4 percent based on the average price of DBAG shares for the year.
Investment decisions triggered for 314 million euros
DBAG’s investment team has triggered investment decisions of 314 million euros in 2019/2020. Three of these involved management buyouts (MBOs) structured for the new fund within the first two months of its investment period. In addition, there was another MBO with DBAG Fund VII and a first long-term investment — a minority stake in a fast-growing company, financed exclusively from DBAG funds. Six portfolio companies grew strongly through a total of 14 corporate acquisitions; these acquisitions, mainly financed by the portfolio companies themselves, serve to accelerate the implementation of the strategic development of the portfolio companies.
96.8 million of the investment decisions were financed by DBAG from its own balance sheet. This included €5.2 million for seven portfolio companies that were hit harder than average by the Corona pandemic; the additional equity was used to support debt financing solutions to improve the financial resources of these companies.
Equity ratio remains very high at 89 percent
DBAG has a solid balance sheet with an equity ratio of around 89 percent. Cash and cash equivalents decreased sharply compared with the previous year as a result of the high level of capital expenditure. Once again, these significantly exceed the recoveries from the portfolio. With the conclusion of a further credit line, DBAG increased its financial room for maneuver by 40 million euros. In 2019/2020, DBAG was able to add six investments to its portfolio, including the MBOs of Cartonplast and the DING Group, which had already been agreed in 2018/2019. One company left the portfolio; this disposal had also been agreed in the previous year. The two (partial) disposals agreed in 2019/2020 will not take effect until the new fiscal year. As of September 30, the portfolio consisted of 32 investments in companies of the (predominantly) German Mittelstand.
“Strategic interest in mature holdings”
The DBAG Management Board is confident for the new, current 2019/2020 financial year and beyond. “Our position in the market is good, we can have about one billion of capital ready to invest and invest in new investments,” the report continues. In view of the ongoing pandemic, DBAG intends to place particularly high demands on the quality of the business model, its strategic importance and the growth of the respective market when assessing investment opportunities. “Investments from the IT services and software and broadband telecommunications sectors are the main candidates for this, but also IndustryTech companies,” says board spokesman Grede, “for example, manufacturers of such industrial components whose products make automation, robotics and digitization possible in the first place.” In addition, DBAG intends to address investment opportunities in companies in special situations, i.e. those with performance-related equity requirements.
Due to the economic weakness that has persisted in parts of the industry for some time, disposals have recently been delayed. The DBAG portfolio contains a number of companies that have been supported for a longer period of time; change processes that were initiated at the start of the investment are well advanced. “We are experiencing interest from strategic investors in such investments,” CFO Zeidler said today. And further: “However, should disposals and corresponding returns be further delayed, the additional credit line gives us flexibility to take advantage of attractive investment opportunities at any time — in addition, we are examining other financing options, for example on the equity side.”
About DBAG
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG, a listed company, initiates closed-end private equity funds and invests — predominantly alongside DBAG funds — in well-positioned medium-sized companies with potential. DBAG focuses on industrial sectors in which German SMEs are strong by international standards. An increasing proportion of equity investments are in companies in new growth sectors such as broadband telecommunications, IT services/software and healthcare. The long-term, value-enhancing entrepreneurial investment approach makes DBAG a sought-after investment partner in the German-speaking region. Capital managed and advised by the DBAG Group amounts to 2.6 billion euros