Photo: Dr. Julia Petersen, Partner at Deloitte Legal

Deloitte advises sale of hit label Telamo to BMG

Photo: Dr. Julia Peter­sen, Part­ner at Deloitte Legal
9. August 2022

Berlin — On August 2, 2022, the share­hol­ders of Telamo Musik & Unter­hal­tung GmbH (“Telamo”) signed an agree­ment for the sale and assign­ment of all shares in Telamo to BMG Rights Manage­ment GmbH (“BMG”). The tran­sac­tion, which is still subject to appr­oval by the Austrian Fede­ral Compe­ti­tion Autho­rity, will create one of Germany’s largest label divi­si­ons across genres, accor­ding to the parties involved.

Telamo co-foun­­der Ken Otremba says, “Since incep­tion, our goal has been to create the opti­mal and most modern condi­ti­ons for our artist:ing. We are proud and exci­ted to now offer a new chap­ter with the best set-up. Telamo conti­nues all previous part­ner­ships, now offe­ring access to more new worlds — dome­sti­cally and internationally.”

A multi­di­sci­pli­nary team of Deloitte and Deloitte Legal advi­sed the majo­rity share­hol­der of Telamo, artcom-Gesel­l­­schaft für Kommu­ni­ka­tion mbH (“artcom”), compre­hen­si­vely in the areas of finan­cial valua­tion, in all legal (partly also tax law) issues of the tran­sac­tion and was able to provide effi­ci­ent advice from a single source through cross-divi­­sio­nal cooperation.
Marko Wünsch, sole share­hol­der of artcom says: “We have been working with Deloitte in a trus­ting manner for many years. At all times, we have not only recei­ved first-class advice, but also prepa­ra­tion and support.”

About artcom

artcom is the parent company of a German group of compa­nies that includes Shop24Direct, a retailer specia­li­zing in Schlager.

About BMG

BMG, a Bertels­mann company, is the fourth largest music company in the world, the first new global player in the music busi­ness of the strea­ming age, and a record label and music publisher in one. With 19 offices in 12 core music markets, BMG repres­ents more than three million titles and recor­dings, inclu­ding many of the most renow­ned and successful artists, song­wri­ters and music catalogs.

About Telamo

Since its foun­ding in August 2012, Telamo has attrac­ted top-class estab­lished artists and disco­vered and deve­lo­ped promi­sing talents. The focus of the publi­ca­ti­ons is the Schlager/MOR in all its facets — natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal. Accor­ding to GfK-Enter­­tain­­ment, Munich-based Telamo was the most successful and highest-selling indie and pop label in 2021 for the fourth year in a row. Eight of the top 25 German Schlager/Deutschpop artists are under contract with Telamo. The label’s artists:inside include Giovanni Zarrella, Eloy de Jong, Mari­anne Rosen­berg, Ross Antony, Die Amigos, Thomas Anders and Florian Silber­ei­sen, Daniela Alfi­nito and Fantasy.

Advi­sor TELEAMO: Deloitte Legal
Dr. Julia Peter­sen, Photo (Lead Corpo­rate M&A, Berlin), Dr. Moritz Erkel (Corporate/ M&A, Berlin)
Deloitte: Stef­fen Säuber­lich (Lead Part­ner Finan­cial Advi­sory, Berlin), Stef­fen Meier (Finan­cial Advi­sory, Berlin), Olga Metcher (Tax, Düsseldorf)
BMG: Stefa­nie Briefs (Senior Legal Coun­sel, Labor Law), Dr. Martin Dann­hoff (SVP Corpo­rate Legal, Corpo­rate M&A), André Schley (SVP Tax Germany, Taxes), Johan­nes Borg­dorf (Direc­tor, Center of Exper­tise, Finance), all Bertels­mann SE & Co. KGaA, Gütersloh

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