
Daetwyler: Management buy-out supported by BPE

5. May 2020

Hamburg, Walters­hau­sen — Daet­wy­ler has sold its civil engi­nee­ring busi­ness to repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the exis­ting manage­ment team. The manage­ment buy-out was supported by the Hamburg-based invest­ment company BPE, which has specia­li­zed in tran­sac­tions in the German SME sector for over 20 years (photo: BPE manage­ment team).

Daet­wy­ler Seal­ing Tech­no­lo­gies Deutsch­land GmbH, inclu­ding the asso­cia­ted opera­ting real estate, is being sold. The company combi­nes the civil engi­nee­ring busi­ness with elas­to­mer profiles for appli­ca­ti­ons in tunnels, civil engi­nee­ring and track super­s­truc­tures at the German site in Walters­hau­sen. Around 180 employees gene­rate annual sales of appro­xi­m­ately CHF 40 million. The parties have agreed not to disc­lose details of the transactions.

Follo­wing the previously announ­ced sale of the Distrelec and Nedis distri­bu­tion compa­nies, the Daet­wy­ler Group will in future focus on high-growth, high-margin seal­ing compon­ents for attrac­tive global markets such as health­care, mobi­lity, oil & gas, food & beverage and gene­ral industry.

About Daet­wy­ler Holding Inc.
Datwy­ler is a leading provi­der of high-quality, system-criti­­cal elas­to­mer compon­ents. Datwy­ler is focu­sing on high-quality, system-criti­­cal elas­to­mer compon­ents and has leading posi­ti­ons in attrac­tive global markets such as health­care, mobi­lity, oil & gas and food & beverage. With its reco­gni­zed core compe­ten­cies and tech­no­lo­gi­cal leader­ship, the company deli­vers added value to custo­mers in the markets served. Datwy­ler concen­tra­tes on markets that offer oppor­tu­ni­ties to create more value and sustain profi­ta­ble growth. With a global presence with more than 20 opera­ting compa­nies, sales in over 100 count­ries and more than 7,000 employees Datwy­ler, head­quar­te­red in Switz­er­land, gene­ra­tes annual sales of more than CHF 1,000 million. The Group has been listed on the SIX Swiss Exch­ange since 1986 (secu­rity no. 3048677).

About BPE Unter­neh­mens­be­tei­li­gun­gen GmbH
Philo­so­phy: “As a specia­list in manage­ment buy-outs/ins, we have been turning mana­gers into entre­pre­neurs since 1998 and streng­thening, crea­ting or safe­guar­ding the inde­pen­dence and inno­va­tive strength of German SMEs.” The company’s philo­so­phy is to provide more than just equity. The aim is to work towards opti­mi­zing the company after it has been taken over by support­ing its opera­tio­nal manage­ment. This may include an opera­tio­nal and stra­te­gic realignment to be initia­ted by the manage­ment of the company, the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and realiza­tion of orga­nic and inor­ga­nic growth poten­tial in order to sustain­ably increase the value of the company.

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