
BMH BRÄUTIGAM advises Visotec on sale to Heidelberg Engineering

5. May 2023

Berlin — BMH BRÄUTIGAM compre­hen­si­vely advi­sed the share­hol­ders of Viso­tec GmbH on the sale to Heidel­berg Engi­nee­ring. For over 30 years, Heidel­berg Engi­nee­ring has colla­bo­ra­ted with scien­tists, physi­ci­ans and indus­try part­ners to deve­lop inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons for ophthal­mo­logy that enable physi­ci­ans to improve pati­ent care. Heidel­berg Engineering’s growing product port­fo­lio includes confo­cal micro­scopy, laser scan­ning, opti­cal cohe­rence tomo­gra­phy (OCT), real-time image proces­sing and analy­sis, multi­mo­dal image data manage­ment solu­ti­ons (PACS), elec­tro­nic pati­ent data manage­ment, and data mining.

Viso­tec GmbH is deve­lo­ping simple and afforda­ble OCT diagno­stics for impro­ved and perso­na­li­zed treat­ment of pati­ents with age-rela­­ted macu­lar dege­ne­ra­tion (AMD). The inno­va­tive solu­tion enables auto­ma­tic exami­na­tion of the retina with a compact and easy-to-use device. This allows the pati­ent to regu­larly check for dise­ase acti­vity and, if neces­sary, see an ophthal­mo­lo­gist in time for treatment.

The merger enables Viso­tec to combine its exper­tise in state-of-the-art full-field OCT tech­no­logy for remote diagno­sis with Heidel­berg Engineering’s global reach and indus­try leader­ship. Visotec’s proprie­tary OCT tech­no­logy can be inte­gra­ted into the secure data exch­ange envi­ron­ment of the HEIDELBERG EYE EXPLORER plat­form and offers enorm­ous poten­tial in the field of outpa­ti­ent care.

BMH BRÄUTIGAM regu­larly advi­ses on tran­sac­tions in the tech­no­logy sector and has parti­cu­lar exper­tise and indus­try know­ledge in the tech­no­logy sector.

Advi­sor to the share­hol­ders of Viso­tec GmbH: BMH BRÄUTIGAM
Till Wans­le­ben (Photo © BMH), Bastian Rein­schmidt, Maxi­mi­lian Frink, Arthur Buch­holz (all Corpo­rate / M&A), Dr. Jan Böhle (IP), Dr. Sebas­tian Krieg (Tax)

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