
Bizzdesign takes over Alfabet from Software GmbH

8. Janu­ary 2025

The Hague (NL) — Bizz­de­sign, a port­fo­lio company of Main Capi­tal Part­ners since 2022, acqui­res Alfa­bet from Soft­ware GmbH, another reco­gni­zed market leader in Enter­prise Archi­tec­ture (EA) and Stra­te­gic Port­fo­lio Manage­ment (SPM). This announce­ment follows the successful acqui­si­tion of MEGA Inter­na­tio­nal in Septem­ber 2024. The combi­ned group, opera­ting under the brand name “Bizz­de­sign”, will gene­rate reve­nues of around EUR 110 million, serve around 2,000 custo­mers and employ more than 600 people, buil­ding a truly global presence. 

This acqui­si­tion is the third add-on acqui­si­tion as part of Bizzdesign’s buy-and-build stra­tegy to expand its presence in the EA and SPM market. By combi­ning exper­tise and resour­ces, the new company is stra­te­gi­cally positioned
to drive further inno­va­tion in busi­ness trans­for­ma­tion and deli­ver grea­ter value to its customers
and part­ners. The combi­ned group will retain its three existing
and comple­men­tary products (Horiz­zon, HOPEX, Alfa­bet), crea­ting the
industry’s most compre­hen­sive end-to-end trans­for­ma­tion offe­ring, encom­pas­sing Enter­prise Architecture
Manage­ment (EAM), Stra­te­gic Port­fo­lio Manage­ment (SPM), Busi­ness Process Manage­ment (BPM) and
Gover­nance Risk & Compli­ance (GRC). In addi­tion, Bizz­de­sign is deve­lo­ping a new cloud-native, AI-based plat­form for busi­ness transformation.

Expan­sion of the Bizz­de­sign port­fo­lio through SPM

With the acqui­si­tion of Alfa­bet, Bizz­de­sign is expan­ding its offe­ring to the SPM market. As opera­ting models are chan­ging due to digi­ta­liza­tion, the depen­den­cies between busi­ness func­tions and IT are incre­asing. Alfa­bet, a reco­gni­zed leader in the SPM market, helps compa­nies, IT stra­te­gists and plan­ners to map and analyze these connec­tions. Bert van der Zwan, CEO of Bizz­de­sign (photo © Bert van der Zwan), commen­ted: “By combi­ning the skills and talents of three compa­nies, we will be able to scale our inno­va­tions across our joint road­maps and create more value for all our custo­mers much faster.” 

Sven van Berge Henegou­wen, Mana­ging Part­ner at Main and Chair­man of the Super­vi­sory Board of Bizz­de­sign: “This tran­sac­tion is another important mile­stone in Bizzdesign’s growth stra­tegy and the combi­na­tion under­pins our stra­tegy to build larger inter­na­tio­nal soft­ware groups in one of our core product markets. Since the begin­ning of our stra­te­gic part­ner­ship with Bizz­de­sign, we have been focu­sed on crea­ting a market-leading plat­form in enter­prise archi­tec­ture. The acqui­si­tion of Alfa­bet, follo­wing the successful acqui­si­tion of MEGA Inter­na­tio­nal, further streng­thens Bizzdesign’s market posi­tion. By combi­ning the strengths of Bizz­de­sign, MEGA Inter­na­tio­nal and Alfa­bet, we are brin­ging toge­ther three compa­nies that excel in inno­va­tion and exper­tise in EA, SPM and BPM, crea­ting a solid foun­da­tion for further global expansion.”

About Bizz­de­sign

Foun­ded in 2000, Bizz­de­sign is a leading global SaaS plat­form for Enter­prise Archi­tec­ture, reco­gni­zed as a market leader by major analyst firms such as Gart­ner and Forres­ter. Bizz­de­sign supports the world’s leading public and private orga­niza­ti­ons to ensure successful prio­ri­tiza­tion of invest­ments, trans­for­ma­tion initia­ti­ves and risk manage­ment. Bizz­de­sign helps archi­tects and execu­ti­ves to fully under­stand multi­di­men­sio­nal archi­tec­tu­ral struc­tures, design and plan both exis­ting and future archi­tec­ture. Horiz­zon provi­des a common language for busi­ness and IT stake­hol­ders with mode­ling, visua­liza­tion and analy­sis tools. Bizz­de­sign is listed in Gartner’s “Magic Quadrant for EA Tools for Comple­ten­ess of Vision”. About MEGA International

MEGA Inter­na­tio­nal is a global SaaS company provi­ding enter­prise archi­tec­ture, busi­ness process analy­tics, gover­nance, risk, compli­ance and data gover­nance solu­ti­ons, opera­ting in 52 count­ries. The company’s HOPEX plat­form provi­des a colla­bo­ra­tive repo­si­tory for coll­ec­ting, visua­li­zing and analy­zing infor­ma­tion to improve plan­ning and adap­ta­bi­lity. About Alfa­bet

Alfa­bet is a market-leading enter­prise trans­for­ma­tion plat­form posi­tio­ned at the inter­sec­tion of enter­prise archi­tec­ture manage­ment (EAM) and stra­te­gic port­fo­lio manage­ment (SPM), reco­gni­zed by Gart­ner and Forres­ter as a leader in both the EA and SPM market segments (Gart­ner in EAM for 17 conse­cu­tive years). Alfabet’s products are used by more than 350 custo­mers in over 40 count­ries to plan and manage busi­ness and IT change. About Main Capi­tal Partners

Main Capi­tal Part­ners is a leading soft­ware inves­tor mana­ging private equity funds active in the Bene­lux, DACH, Nordics and the United States with appro­xi­m­ately €6 billion in assets under manage­ment. Main has over 20 years of expe­ri­ence in streng­thening soft­ware compa­nies and works closely with the manage­ment teams of its port­fo­lio as a stra­te­gic part­ner to create profi­ta­ble growth and larger, outstan­ding soft­ware groups. Main employs 85 people in its offices in The Hague, Düssel­dorf, Stock­holm, Antwerp and a branch office in Boston. Main main­ta­ins an active port­fo­lio of over 50 soft­ware compa­nies. The under­ly­ing port­fo­lio employs more than 15,000 people. 

Through the Main Social Insti­tute, Main supports students with grants and scho­lar­ships to study IT and compu­ter science at tech­ni­cal univer­si­ties and univer­si­ties of applied sciences.

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