Photo:   Daniel Beringer, Managing Partner and Spokesman of Greenpeak Partners (Photo: GREENPEAK)

Biotec joins the Greenpeak subsidiary CERTANIA Group

Photo: Daniel Berin­ger, Mana­ging Part­ner and Spokes­man of Green­peak Part­ners (Photo: GREENPEAK)
30. August 2024

Munich/Gütersloh — Biotec GmbH, a leading consul­ting and envi­ron­men­tal labo­ra­tory specia­li­zing in micro­bio­lo­gi­cal hygiene and occu­pa­tio­nal safety, has joined the CERTANIA Group, a dyna­mic orga­niza­tion known for its services in test­ing, inspec­tion and certification.
This stra­te­gic inte­gra­tion marks a turning point for Biotec GmbH and streng­thens its ability to expand its envi­ron­men­tal and hygiene solu­ti­ons globally.
The CERTANIA Group is a port­fo­lio company of GREENPEAK Partners.
Foun­ded in 1991 and based in Güters­loh, Germany, Biotec GmbH has built a solid repu­ta­tion over 25 years as a pioneer in air puri­fi­ca­tion technology.
Its custo­mer base includes indus­trial giants as well as major play­ers in the food indus­try who rely on its exper­tise in compre­hen­sive air puri­fi­ca­tion test­ing and certi­fi­ca­tion, drin­king water analy­sis and specia­li­zed hygiene training.
By joining CERTANIA, Biotec GmbH posi­ti­ons itself on a strong plat­form that supports its commit­ment to excellence.
The part­ner­ship streng­thens Biotec GmbH’s capa­bi­li­ties in the opti­miza­tion of hygiene-sensi­­tive produc­tion proces­ses and the vali­da­tion of washer-disin­­fec­­tors in hospi­tals to meet strin­gent hygiene standards.
Under the leader­ship of Mana­ging Direc­tors Dr. Andreas Berm­pohl, Jörg Weißer and Frank Weißer, Biotec GmbH’s manage­ment team will main­tain its inde­pen­dence while acces­sing the resour­ces of the larger group, which will allow for contin­ued growth and expan­sion of services.
“We are very exci­ted to be part of CERTANIA, as this allows us to increase our impact on ensu­ring safe and compli­ant envi­ron­ments,” said Dr. Andreas Berm­pohl, Co-Foun­­der and Mana­ging Direc­tor of Biotec GmbH.
“This part­ner­ship not only expands our service offe­ring, but also unders­cores our dedi­ca­tion to provi­ding high-quality solu­ti­ons backed by rigo­rous scien­ti­fic expertise.”
Moritz Gruber, CEO and major share­hol­der of CERTANIA, welco­mes Biotec and invi­tes other entre­pre­neurs and compa­nies in the field of scien­ti­fic, labo­ra­tory and compli­ance services to join this unique group: “We offer the oppor­tu­nity to inte­grate your busi­ness into a future-proof struc­ture. Our goal is to build a group for the future where strong part­ner compa­nies thrive while main­tai­ning their iden­tity. Biotec GmbH’s renow­ned exper­tise in micro­bio­lo­gi­cal hygiene perfectly comple­ments CERTANIA’s focus on envi­ron­men­tal and regu­la­tory services. Toge­ther, we are well posi­tio­ned to support indus­tries in meeting safety and compli­ance stan­dards amidst global chal­lenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic.”
CERTANIA’s ecosys­tem provi­des a plat­form for mid-sized, know­­ledge-based compa­nies to thrive under one roof, retai­ning their entre­pre­neu­rial free­dom while bene­fiting from the group’s resour­ces and support. About Biotec GmbH Foun­ded in 1991 with head­quar­ters in Güters­loh, Germany and a branch office in Mitt­weida, Germany, Biotec GmbH is a leading consul­ting and envi­ron­men­tal labo­ra­tory specia­li­zing in micro­bio­lo­gi­cal hygiene and occu­pa­tio­nal safety.
With over 25 years of expe­ri­ence, we deve­lop pionee­ring solu­ti­ons for air puri­fi­ca­tion in various indus­tries and the food sector. Our services include air purity tests, inspec­tions of HVAC systems accor­ding to VDI 6022 stan­dards and hygiene training.
Biotec GmbH stands for excel­lence and supports its custo­mers with high-quality services and expert opini­ons to ensure safe and compli­ant environments. About CERTANIA Under the umbrella of CERTANIA Holding GmbH, a new global market player in the fields of Test­ing, Inspec­tion & Certi­fi­ca­tion is emerging.
The group offers medium-sized part­ners a sustainable home for their life’s work.
CERTANIA enables entre­pre­neurs and owners to deve­lop their busi­ness with like-minded people while preser­ving their entre­pre­neu­rial roots, corpo­rate culture, brand and values.
More infor­ma­tion at About GREENPEAK PARTNERS Our goal is long-term growth and profi­ta­bi­lity by buil­ding sustainable businesses.
We are convin­ced that compa­nies that are truly sustainable can achieve above-average returns in the long term.
At the same time, compa­nies can only be truly sustainable if they are finan­ci­ally viable and growing.


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