
Bayer to divest prescription dermatology business

Cate­gory: Deals
1. August 2018

Leverkusen/ Düssel­dorf — Bayer has signed an agree­ment with LEO Pharma for the sale of Bayer’s global prescrip­tion derma­to­logy busi­ness. The port­fo­lio to be acqui­red includes bran­ded prescrip­tion products for the topi­cal treat­ment of acne, fungal skin infec­tions and rosacea, as well as a range of topi­cal stero­ids with annual sales of over EUR 280 million (2017).

LEO Pharma will acquire the world­wide product rights except for Afgha­ni­stan and Paki­stan and will take over the sales and marke­ting orga­niza­tion in 14 count­ries as well as a produc­tion faci­lity in Segrate, Italy. In total, around 450 employees will trans­fer to LEO Pharma as part of the tran­sac­tion. The acqui­si­tion is subject to the fulfill­ment of custo­mary closing condi­ti­ons, inclu­ding clearance by the compe­ti­tion authorities.

Advi­sors to Bayer: Henge­ler Muel­ler advi­ses Bayer on the transaction
The part­ners Dr. Chris­tian Wentrup (photo ) and Dr. Matthias Hent­zen (both lead, M&A/Corporate), Dr. Thors­ten Mäger (Anti­trust) (all Düssel­dorf) as well as Coun­sel Dr. Gunther Wagner (Tax, Munich) and Asso­cia­tes PD Dr. Gerrit Forst, Dr. Florian Hass­ner and Richard Suer­mann (all M&A/Corporate, Düssel­dorf) are active.

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