Photo: Products of the Veganz Group

AXCIT advises Veganz Group on IPO at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Photo: Products of the Veganz Group
10. Novem­ber 2021

Frank­furt am Main — ACXIT Capi­tal Part­ners acted as IPO advi­sor to Veganz Group AG (the “Company” or “Veganz”) the Berlin-based purely plant-base­­d/­­ve­­gan food company awarded Germany’s most inno­va­tive food brand in 20211), on its successful initial public offe­ring (“IPO”) on the Frank­furt Stock Exch­ange (Frank­fur­ter Wertpapierbörse).

In the course of the road­show process, all 547,120 offe­red ordi­nary bearer shares with no par value of the Company (“Shares”) were placed with inves­tors in the IPO at EUR 87.00 per Share. The place­ment compri­sed 388,733 new shares from a capi­tal increase, 87,024 exis­ting shares from the holdings of the selling share­hol­ders as well as an over-allo­t­­ment consis­ting of 71,363 exis­ting shares from the holdings of the lending share­hol­ders. Ther­e­fore, the total volume of the IPO amounts to around EUR 47.6 million.

Gross proceeds from the sale of the new shares in the IPO amount to around EUR 33.8 million. Veganz intends to use the net proceeds prima­rily for the estab­lish­ment of the new produc­tion site near Berlin as well as invest­ments in the further orga­nic and inor­ga­nic growth, e.g. for rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment, expan­sion of field force, marke­ting and further expan­sion in selec­ted Euro­pean countries.

“Since our foun­da­tion more than 10 years ago we at Veganz are pioneers, setting stan­dards in our markets. Having accom­plished the first ‘vegan IPO’ in Germany is another mile­stone in our history. We welcome all new inves­tors at Veganz and cordi­ally invite ever­yone to parti­ci­pate with us in the poten­tial of the vegan food market. Now, it is about imple­men­ting our growth stra­tegy and fully seize the oppor­tu­ni­ties for Veganz”, reflects Jan Bredack, foun­der and CEO of Veganz.

The shares of Veganz carry the inter­na­tio­nal secu­ri­ties iden­ti­fi­ca­tion number (ISIN) DE000A3E5ED2, the German Secu­ri­ties Code (Wert­­pa­­pier-Kenn-Nummer (WKN)) A3E5ED and the ticker symbol VEZ.

ACXIT Capi­tal Part­ners acted as IPO advi­sor to the Company.

About Veganz

Veganz — Good for you, better for ever­yone — is the brand for plant-based food. Foun­ded in Berlin in 2011, Veganz became known as the Euro­pean vegan super­mar­ket chain. With a colorful and life-affir­­ming company philo­so­phy, Veganz mana­ged to break open the vegan niche and estab­lish the plant-based nutri­tion trend on the market. The current product port­fo­lio includes around 120 products (101 active products as of Septem­ber 30, 2021) across 17 cate­go­ries and is available in more than half of all Euro­pean count­ries and in 22,264 points of sale (POS) globally as of June 30, 2021, exclu­ding Veganz’ own three stores in Berlin, Germany. In addi­tion, the Veganz product port­fo­lio is conti­nuously being expan­ded to include high-quality, inno­va­tive items and the sustainable value chain is constantly being impro­ved. For this commit­ment, Veganz was the only German company to be voted one of the top inno­va­tive brands and Germany’s most inno­va­tive food brand in an exclu­sive Handels­blatt ranking in 2021.


ACXIT Capi­tal Part­ners is a leading inter­na­tio­nal corpo­rate finance and finan­cial advi­sory firm for mid-market clients, and entre­pre­neurs in Europe and beyond. Since 1998, we offer our clients compre­hen­sive corpo­rate finance advi­sory services inclu­ding M&A and capi­tal markets advi­sory as well as debt and stra­te­gic advi­sory. As an inde­pen­dent, priva­tely owned firm we main­tain offices and repre­sen­ta­ti­ons in Frank­furt, Munich, Zurich and New York as well as strong alli­ances in the UK and France. Our clients are corpo­ra­ti­ons, family-owned busi­nesses, entre­pre­neurs, finan­cial spon­sors and family offices.

Tran­sac­tion Team ACXIT Capi­tal Partners:
Jens Tschau­der, Mana­ging Partner
Chris­tian Ende­richs, Director
Simon Vorwerk, Analyst
Julius Ohlen­busch, Analyst

Good­win advi­sed Berlin-based Veganz Group AG on all corpo­rate law issues in connec­tion with the imple­men­ta­tion and struc­tu­ring of its IPO.
The Good­win team was led by Dr. Markus Käpplin­ger (Part­ner, Corpo­rate) with support from Heiko Penn­dorf (Part­ner, Tax), Felix Krüger (Coun­sel, Tax) and asso­cia­tes Jochim Robert, Bastian Schmack (both Corpo­rate) and commer­cial lawyer Nadine Gommel (Corpo­rate).

In close coope­ra­tion with the Good­win team, the law firm NOERR (led by Dr. Laurenz Wieneke) advi­sed on all capi­tal market law issues.

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