Photo: Anne Vins-Niethammer, lawyer and partner at Oppenhoff & Partner Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater mbB

Auctus Capital subsidiary MAI Group acquires xpose360

Photo: Anne Vins-Niet­ham­mer, lawyer and part­ner at Oppen­hoff & Part­ner Rechts­an­wälte Steu­er­be­ra­ter mbB
17. May 2023

Hamburg — Oppen­hoff advi­sed MAI Marke­ting Auto­ma­tion Intel­li­gence Group GmbH (MAI Group) on the acqui­si­tion of xpose360 GmbH (xpose360), a specia­list agency for digi­tal perfor­mance marke­ting. MAI Group takes over all shares in xpose360, the previous share­hol­ders of xpose360 become share­hol­ders in MAI Group.

The MAI Group, head­quar­te­red in Hamburg, now compri­ses eight compa­nies: Crui­se­a­dors GmbH, DIGITALBERATUNG GmbH, Hanse CRM GmbH, Kamano GmbH, klaro media GmbH, Leonex Inter­net GmbH, media­worx berlin AG and xpose360 GmbH. They combine exten­sive exper­tise from various digi­tal areas under one roof. As a go-to digi­tal marke­ting part­ner with around 400 experts, MAI Group supports custo­mers and part­ners in digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion, both in the effi­ci­ent opti­miza­tion of core busi­ness and in the expan­sion of digi­tal busi­ness. It serves custo­mers such as A1 Tele­kom Austria, Alli­anz, ebay, RedBull, REWE, StepStone and Wacker Chemie.

The main inves­tor in the MAI Group is Auctus Capi­tal Part­ners AG.

Based in Augs­burg, xpose360 focu­ses on search engine opti­miza­tion, paid media, web analy­tics, program­ma­tic adver­ti­sing, affi­liate marke­ting, influen­cer marke­ting and digi­tal stra­tegy consul­ting. With the goal of incre­asing sales and traf­fic cente­red on the custo­mer jour­ney, they work in 23 count­ries for clients such as Haribo, Jochen Schwei­zer, mydays Group, yello, Schöf­fel and HypoVereinsbank.

Advi­sors MAI Group: Oppen­hoff & Part­ner Rechts­an­wälte Steu­er­be­ra­ter mbB

The Oppen­hoff team led by Anne Vins-Niet­ham­­mer (photo © Oppen­hoff) included Moritz Bock (both M&A/Corporate), Marvin Roch­ner, Julia Höyng (both Real Estate), Georg Leche­ler, Dr. Patric Mau (both Intellec­tual Property), Dr. Hanna Schmidt, Patrick Schwarze (both IT&C), Anja Dombrow­sky, Corne­­lia-Cris­­tina Scupra (both Labor) and Dr. Gunnar Knorr (Tax).

About AUCTUS Capi­tal Partners

AUCTUS is the most active invest­ment company for small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses. With around 370 invest­ments in the last 20 years, we are the clear No. 1 in Germany. The focus of our invest­ments is on majo­rity share­hol­dings in compa­nies with annual sales of between 10 and 150 million euros. AUCTUS stands for sustainable orga­nic and also inor­ga­nic growth through acqui­si­ti­ons. We achieve this in a trus­ting part­ner­ship toge­ther with the manage­ment of our compa­nies. We specia­lize in buil­ding successful medium-sized groups of compa­nies — We create market leaders. The more than 20 expe­ri­en­ced AUCTUS invest­ment experts curr­ently manage around 46 plat­form invest­ments from various sectors of the economy. The sum of the plat­form holdings with a total of more than 150 indi­vi­dual compa­nies gene­ra­tes annual sales of well over 2 billion euros. Sales and earnings have been growing at >10% per year for years.


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