Photo: The new logo of TotalEnergies

Aloys Wobben Foundation sells QUADRA energy to TotalEnergies

Photo: The new logo of TotalEnergies
30. Octo­ber 2023

Hamburg — The Aloys Wobben Foun­da­tion (AWS) has sold the wholly owned green energy supplier QUADRA energy to Total­Ener­gies. With QUADRA energy, Total­Ener­gies acqui­res a German market leader in the direct marke­ting of rene­wa­ble ener­gies. Allen & Overy advi­sed the Aloys Wobben Foun­da­tion on this tran­sac­tion. The parties have agreed not to disc­lose the purchase price. The tran­sac­tion is still subject to appr­oval by the rele­vant authorities.

With this tran­sac­tion, AWS wants to secure the further growth path of QUADRA energy and at the same time consis­t­ently focus on the market support of the wind turbine manu­fac­tu­rer ENERCON as the core company of AWS. ENERCON is to remain a leading turbine manu­fac­tu­rer in the inter­na­tio­nal wind market and to conti­nue and further deve­lop a stra­te­gic part­ner­ship with QUADRA energy and Total­Ener­gies in the future.

The Aloys Wobben Foun­da­tion, estab­lished in 2012, preser­ves the life’s work of wind energy pioneer Dr. Aloys Wobben and secu­res the long-term inde­pen­dence of ENERCON, the leading German and Euro­pean wind turbine manufacturer.

QUADRA energy is one of the few one hundred percent green energy supply compa­nies in Germany. The company was foun­ded in 2012 and specia­li­zes in the direct marke­ting of rene­wa­ble elec­tri­city from wind and solar power and the whole­sale of green elec­tri­city. QUADRA energy bund­les about 5,000 wind and solar plants with an instal­led capa­city of about 9,000 MW in a “virtual power plant” and is thus respon­si­ble for about 16 TWh of green elec­tri­city annu­ally. Since 2021, the company has also offe­red forward and fixed-price solu­ti­ons (PPAs) for elec­tri­city from rene­wa­bles for both gene­ra­tors and large-scale consu­mers or resellers.

Total­Ener­gies is a French global energy company with more than 100,000 employees that produ­ces and markets energy: oil and biofuels, natu­ral gas and green gases, rene­wa­bles and elec­tri­city. As part of its ambi­tious goal to become CO2 neutral by 2050, Total­Ener­gies is buil­ding a compe­ti­tive port­fo­lio of rene­wa­ble (solar, onshore and offshore wind) and flexi­ble (CCGT, storage) assets. In 2022, Total­Ener­gies gene­ra­ted more than 33 TWh of elec­tri­city and had a gross rene­wa­ble gene­ra­tion capa­city of 17 GW. Total­Ener­gies aims to further expand these acti­vi­ties to increase power gene­ra­tion to more than 100 TWh by 2030, with the goal of beco­ming one of the top 5 global power produ­cers from wind and solar energy.

Advi­sor Aloys Wobben Foun­da­tion: Allen & Overy

Manage­ment Part­ner Max Lands­hut, Asso­cia­tes Jan Axel Jost and Juliana Palavra Gorgueira (both Corporate/M&A, all Hamburg).

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