Aignostics: €5m seed round with BIVF, HTGF, IBB and Future Capital
Berlin — Aignostics, a spin-off of Charité — Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) that develops AI-based solutions for pathology, today announced the closing of a €5m seed funding. Böhringer Ingelheim Venture Fund (BIVF) acted as lead investor, with participation from High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), the VC Fonds Technologie of IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft, and Future Capital.
Formally, the development of Aignostics began in early 2018 when researchers from Charité and TU Berlin were accepted into BIH’s Digital Health Accelerator (DHA) program to further develop their innovative research in AI-based pathology and “Explainable AI” into a spin-off company.
However, the foundation for Aignostics was laid much earlier, by Prof. Frederick Klauschen, deputy. Director of the Institute of Pathology at Charité, and researchers from the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and TU Berlin, led by Prof. Klaus-Robert Müller, Director of the Berlin Center for Machine Learning (BZML), who filed their first patent for AI-based pathology back in 2011. Prof. Klauschen, who studied physics as well as medicine, recognized the potential of AI for pathology early on. “While pathologists are excellent at comprehensively analyzing the morphological features of tissues in individual samples, AI is particularly well-suited for evaluating individual features in a standardized and quantitative manner, as well as uncovering correlations in larger datasets, such as clinical trials,” explains Prof. Klauschen.
Aignostics’ proprietary “Explainable AI” platform is particularly well suited for such uncovering of new contexts. It is based on research by the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Charité and TU Berlin and allows to overcome the often criticized “black box” problem of AI in pathology. “Explainable AI is a new and exciting field in modern AI research with a lot of potential for both academia and industry,” said Prof. Müller. “For example, we can train our AI with tissue samples that have a positive or negative response to therapy. We can then have the AI graphically “explain” to us which morphological characteristics distinguish the positive cases from the negative cases,” Dr. Maximilian Alber, CTO of Aignostics, explains further. “This technology is not only essential for routine diagnostics, where it can help verify the functioning of AI applications, but is also a very interesting approach to find potential new biomarkers that can predict therapy response,” adds Prof. Klauschen.
“What makes us unique, however, is not only our technology, but also our organizational structure. We have extensive access to multimodal data as well as pathologists, which allows us to develop tailored algorithms for a wide variety of issues, from diagnostics to research to CDx. In addition, our close networking with Charité and TU Berlin is a great advantage, as we develop our applications in constant exchange with computer scientists, researchers, as well as pathologists as “end users”,” explains Viktor Matyas, CEO of Aignostics. “We are also very grateful for the support of Charité, BIH and Ascenion, without which we would not have come this far,” Matyas continues.
Aignostics will use the financing to expand its portfolio in pharmaceutical research as well as fund longer-term projects aimed at developing companion/complementary diagnostics (CDx) for routine diagnostics. “We find Aignostics’ approach very promising and think that more specific diagnostics will enable more personalized, effective treatment for patients,” said Dr. Alexander Ehlgen of BIVF.
About Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund GmbH
The Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund (BIVF) supports early-stage research and technologies through strategic investments. Led by Frank Kalkbrenner, Global Head of the Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund. With a volume of €300 million, the BIVF invests in biotech and start-up companies that have the potential to develop breakthrough technologies. The BIVF portfolio currently consists of 34 companies. In addition, the BIVF supports the creation of new companies based on promising research projects at universities or academic institutions. The BIVF’s interest in young, technology-oriented companies reflects its commitment to promoting innovative ideas and new scientific approaches. The BIVF thus creates opportunities for Boehringer Ingelheim to expand into new business areas with a focus on oncology, regenerative medicine, infectious diseases and digital health. www.boehringer-ingelheim-venture.com
About High-Tech Gründerfonds
The seed investor High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) finances technology start-ups with growth potential. With a volume of around EUR 900 million spread across three funds and an international partner network, HTGF has supported almost 600 start-ups since 2005. His team of experienced investment managers and start-up experts supports the young companies with know-how, entrepreneurial spirit and passion. The focus is on high-tech start-ups from the fields of digital business models, industrial tech, life sciences, chemistry and related business areas. More than €2.5 billion in capital has been invested in the HTGF portfolio by external investors in more than 1,600 follow-on financing rounds to date. In addition, the fund has already successfully sold shares in more than 100 companies.
Investors in the public-private partnership include the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, KfW Capital, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the 32 companies.
About Future Capital
Future Capital (www.future-capital.com) is a public-private partnership between the state of Hesse and Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH. Since 1999, we have been supporting early-stage and start-up companies in the healthcare sector with capital, network and know-how. The company is headquartered in Frankfurt and we invest in our region, but also in Germany and Europe.
About IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft
IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft(www.ibb-bet.de) provides venture capital to innovative Berlin-based companies and has established itself as the market leader in early stage financing in Berlin. The funds are primarily used for the development and market launch of innovative products or services and for business concepts in the creative industries. Since March 2015, two funds managed by IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft are in the investment phase, the VC Fonds Technologie Berlin II with a fund volume of EUR 60 million and the VC Fonds Kreativ-Wirtschaft Berlin II with a fund volume of EUR 40 million. Both VC funds are financed by funds from Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), managed by the State of Berlin. Since 1997, IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft has provided approximately EUR 1.52 billion to over 210 Berlin-based creative and technology companies in consortia with partners, of which IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft has invested EUR 217 million as lead, co-lead or co-investor.
About Ascenion
Ascenion GmbH (www.ascenion.de) is an independent technology transfer company with particular expertise in the life sciences. It is a partner of more than 30 research institutions, universities and university hospitals in Germany and Europe. Particular strengths are the support of spin-offs and project development. As a technology transfer partner of BIH and Charité, Ascenion accompanied the founders and scientists and helped to launch the spin-off together with the BIH-Digital Health Accelerator. In close coordination with BIH, Ascenion accompanied the negotiation of essential contracts on the way to the foundation and financing. www.ascenion.de