
With its compre­hen­sive indus­try over­view, the FYB orga­ni­sa­tion aims at informing busi­ness decis­ion makers about the multi­face­ted ways of desig­ning finan­cing solu­ti­ons in the private equity, venture capi­tal, and corpo­rate finance indus­tries as well as about the poten­ti­als offe­red by new forms of finan­cing. The FYB will

  • support small and medium-size firms
  • present new forms of financing
  • help solve succes­sion problems
  • encou­rage (young) entrepreneurs
  • promote trans­pa­rency in the private equity industry
  • provide orien­ta­tion for natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal investors

Our strengths include a close cont­act to influ­en­tial thin­kers, the moti­va­tion of our staff, and a large natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal network.
Ther­e­fore FYB enjoys the confi­dence of a growing number of entre­pre­neurs in their quest to iden­tify the right part­ner for a finan­cial venture or transaction.
FYB Finan­cial Year­Book was foun­ded in 2003 and is the leading publi­ca­tion in Germany for alter­na­tive forms of finan­cing in the German-spea­king region.

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